holder of a bill of exchange

holder of a bill of exchange
утримувач тратти

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. . 2002.

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Смотреть что такое "holder of a bill of exchange" в других словарях:

  • Bill of exchange — General term for a document demanding payment. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * bill of exchange ˌbill of exˈchange abbreviation b/​e or bill noun bills of exchange PLURALFORM …   Financial and business terms

  • bill of exchange — General term for a document demanding payment. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * bill of exchange ˌbill of exˈchange abbreviation b/​e or bill noun bills of exchange PLURALFORM [countable] …   Financial and business terms

  • bill of exchange — An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person (the drawer) to another (the drawee) and signed by the person giving it, requiring the drawee to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a specified sum of money to or to… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • bill of exchange — An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person (the drawer) to another (the drawee) and signed by the person giving it, requiring the drawee to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a specified sum of money to or to… …   Accounting dictionary

  • bill of exchange — a written authorization or order to pay a specified sum of money to a specified person. [1570 80] * * * Short term negotiable financial instrument consisting of a written order addressed by the seller of goods to the buyer requiring the latter to …   Universalium

  • holder for value — noun a holder of a bill of exchange or promissory note for which valuable consideration has been given …  

  • holder — The holder of a bill of exchange, promissory note, check, or other commercial paper, is the person who has legally acquired possession of the same, by indorsement or delivery, and who is entitled to receive payment of the instrument. Person who… …   Black's law dictionary

  • holder — The holder of a bill of exchange, promissory note, check, or other commercial paper, is the person who has legally acquired possession of the same, by indorsement or delivery, and who is entitled to receive payment of the instrument. Person who… …   Black's law dictionary

  • holder in due course — holder in due course: the holder of a negotiable instrument that is complete and regular on its face and that is taken in good faith and for value without notice that it is overdue or has been dishonored or that there is any defense against it or …   Law dictionary

  • holder — hold·er n 1: a person that holds: as a: owner the holder of a patent often used in combination a stock holder b: one that holds or occupies the property of another by agree …   Law dictionary

  • Holder — Hold er, n. 1. One who, or that which, holds. [1913 Webster] 2. One who holds land, etc., under another; a tenant. [1913 Webster] 3. (Com.) The payee of a bill of exchange or a promissory note, or the one who owns or holds it. [1913 Webster] Note …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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